I feel like a kid every time I get a package that says Joss Cues on it!
I get so excited and put everything else on hold until I get the cues out of the fine leather cases they come in and admire them!
I can’t tell you enough what a pleasure it is to do business with you and your family!
I am not a pro billiards player by any means but the beauty of your cues and the click I hear when I shoot with them is amazing!
I still remember my first Joss Cue I purchased from a friend of mine when I was in my 20’s! It was the most well balanced best shooting cue I had ever held! Unfortunately, it was stolen out of my house by a roommate.
To be able to connect with the man and his family behind the #1 cue in the world and to be able to collect such a fine collection of Joss Cues is another one of God's Blessings to me!
I have had people tell me I was the luckiest man they have ever met, and I reply, “Luck has nothing to do with it, I am Blessed!”
Thank you for the passion that you put into your business, it truly shows!